Welcome to Star Spiritual

I’m Janine I created my business Star Spiritual in 2019, it had been a my desire to have a spiritual business for a number of years. I was out of balance, and my health was suffering, destiny stepped in and moved me out of this situation. I was diagnosed with Graves disease (an autoimmune condition) and ptsd within 2 months.

I’m a trained Reiki practitioner, Group Chakra Practitioner and Tarot reader, I used this knowledge and researched my health conditions in relation to my chakras or energy centres. I was lacking a creative outlet, I started writing a blog, making crystal jewellery and sharing my voice online to help heal my throat chakra. I pushed my boundaries, its scary at times being so vulnerable but it has helped my own healing journey. When I started looking at myself holistically I believed once I’d worked through symptoms and my energy was better I would be ok. Healing is ongoing, I have periods when my symptoms, especially exhaustion, disassociation and insomnia are difficult to manage. I can recognise when I have done too much and this impacts on my health. This is when slowing down, journaling, using oils or my candles helps me.

In late 2021 my intuition guided me to make soy wax Chakra Candles with essential oils and crystals, which support healing each chakra and are deeply relaxing. My aim with Star Spiritual is to help you Heal from Within through Reiki, Tarot, Candles and Crystals. Empowering others to “heal from within”.