What can you learn from difficult times in your life?

In my last post I discussed some of the experiences have helped me grow the most. I wrote about some of my many adventures, which were very significant. I started to think about some of the more difficult times in my life and how I have also changed and grown as a person. Life throwsContinueContinue reading “What can you learn from difficult times in your life?”

My why?

I’m often asked how long I’ve been offering reiki and tarot. Reiki found me in 2006, I’ve had tarot cards since I was 21. What’s my story? Why tarot, candles and reiki? I’ve always being very spiritual and I wanted to do this work for such a long time, but I didn’t know how. IContinueContinue reading “My why?”

Chakra Meditation for Children

What are Chakras? They are not flat discs, it is generally seen as a spinning vortex of energy, which has a cone like shape. The point of the cone is closest to our human body and then extends beyond the physical body. Every living being has them whether human or animal we all have them.ContinueContinue reading “Chakra Meditation for Children”

You don’t know how much…

Judgement- it means making considered decisions or come to a sensible conclusion. In reality when we judge ourselves or others we don’t always come to sensible conclusions. We all do it including myself. I’ve done this many times, I realise this and I’m sorry I did this to you. I’ve judged myself, I’m sorry IContinueContinue reading “You don’t know how much…”