What can you learn from difficult times in your life?

In my last post I discussed some of the experiences have helped me grow the most. I wrote about some of my many adventures, which were very significant. I started to think about some of the more difficult times in my life and how I have also changed and grown as a person. Life throwsContinueContinue reading “What can you learn from difficult times in your life?”

There will be days my friend…

While going through my emails last week, one caught my eye. The title was “I’ve been struggling’, the email went onto explain the author has been processing heavy emotions; fear, anxiety, and overwhelm over the past few days. The reason it caught my eye is because I have been struggling and I’ve felt really unwell.ContinueContinue reading “There will be days my friend…”

You are enough

I’ve recently being looking through To The Women, words to live by by Donna Ashworth, which a good friend gave me. It’s a beautiful and thoughtful gift. I’ve been taking pictures of random pages and posting them on my instagram account. Today I needed a creative outlet so decided I’d type something for you toContinueContinue reading “You are enough”